Ivan does not use it as a set and forget.

He uses it to enjoy racing and make money, he in 3 days turned a 300 starting bank into a 582 Profit..

Please don't email to ask more questions on Ivan's approach, as he has been very kind to give this approach, and as he says he is fine turning it.

Read more below including his Moir Stakes screen.

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Double Dutch 2 Bot


From Ivan:

Have a look at my balance tonight - have just clocked up $1002 after the Moir Stakes race.

I have attached the "Back (1,2)" DD1 & DD2 for the Moir.

All that from a $300 starting bank, plus I withdrew $100 from this balance earlier.

I should say that we went shopping tonight, and missed 4 winning DDbot bettable races which would have returned me another $240.

I'm not in a bubble - I have already had some small runs where the winner didn't come from the 1st and 2nd fav. But I always try to include as many of the best chances (I read Racenet form and look at the fluctuations too) and when one of my picks wins that is not a 1,2 bet, the return is still $30 for it, which is roughly half my outlay when the percentages can be kept ner 50%.

The attached Moir stakes selections went to $22, but that is rare for me, because the fav are usually around $3. But it was $6.40 the field, so I could take more horses.

Thanks a million to You and Michael, Steve.
I retired in March with a crook back after 36 years of nursing, and a few years cutting railway sleepers before then. 

So while my back is a lot better since stopping nursing (and no chance of any compensation since there was no direct injury) this has been a terrific system for me. Have always been interested in dutch betting, as you would know from earlier conversations, and today it looks like it is paying off, since I already am a believer in dutching.

If anyone is ever in doubt, I would be happy to tell them more about my experience with this bot.

Cheers mate